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Information geometry in the analysis of phase transitions
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2019-03-13 14:00 .. 15:00
by Bruno Mera (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Turbulent solutions of the nonlinear Schrœdinger equation: A link between the scattering theory and the Arnold diffusion
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2019-02-26 11:00 .. 12:00
CMAFcIO/GFM seminar by Nikolay Tzvetkov (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations and distribution dependent SDE
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.38, 2019-01-31 14:30 .. 15:30
CMAFcIO/GFM seminar by Michael Röckner (University of Bielefeld)
A Gelfand-Levitan Trace Formula for Generic Quantum Graphs
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2019-01-22 11:00 .. 12:00
by Jiří Lipovský, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Hradec Kralove
Introduction to Wall-Crossing formulae and Riemann-Hilbert problems from Bridgeland stability conditions
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2019-01-07 11:00 .. 12:00
by Anna Barbieri (University of Sheffield)
Pontryagin maximum principle for optimal nonpermanent control problems on time scales
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-12-05 11:00 .. 12:00
Loic Bourdin, University of Limoges (France)
Optimal stopping of switching diffusions with a time-dependent switching regime
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-11-15 14:30 .. 15:30
by Carlos Oliveira (Grupo de Física-Matemática Univ. de Lisboa)
Some algebraic aspects of multiple orthogonality
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-11-09 11:00 .. 12:00
by T. Augusta Mesquita (Inst. Politécnico de Viana do Castelo)
Spectral monotonicity for quantum graphs
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-10-15 15:00 .. 16:00
by Jonathan Rohleder (Universidade de Estocolmo, Suécia)
Schödinger operator with non-zero accumulation points of complex eigenvalues
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-09-10 15:30 .. 16:30
by Sabine Böglie (Universidade de Munique, Alemanha)
Asymptotics of Robin Eigenvalues via Dirichlet-to-Neumann Analysis
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-09-10 14:30 .. 15:30
by Robin Lang (Universidade de Estugarda, Alemanha)
On the long time convergence of non monotone Mean Field Games
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-07-02 11:00 .. 12:00
by Marco Masoero (Université Paris-Dauphine)
The pressure field in the Brödinger problem
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.38, 2018-06-26 11:00 .. 12:00
by Aymeric Baradat (École Polytechnique, Paris)
Finite time blowup of the Fujita equation with fractional Laplacian perturbed by fractional Brownian motion
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-05-25 11:00 .. 12:00
by Marco Dozzi (Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, Nancy, France)
On a problem posed by P. Turán: Problem LXVI
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-05-22 14:00 .. 15:00
by Kenier Castillo (Universidade de Coimbra)
Toeplitz matrices and Schur polynomials
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-04-27 11:00 .. 12:00
by Mario Alberto Salazar
Matrix Quantum Mechanics and the \(S^1/Z_2\) orbifold
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-04-24 11:00 .. 12:00
by Panagiotis Betzios
Optimal shape and location of actuators or sensors in PDE models
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.45, 2018-01-31 11:00 .. 12:00
by Yannick Privat (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Nonlinear higher-order eigenvalue problems: positivity of first eigenfunctions and validity of the Faber-Krahn inequality
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2018-01-10 11:00 .. 12:00
by Enea Parini (Inst. de Mathématiques de Marseille)
Spreading speeds in some diffusive prey-predator systems
FCUL, C6, room 6.2.33, 2017-11-30 11:00 .. 12:00
by Thomas Giletti (Univ. de Lorraine)