Photos of polyhedron puzzles
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Cube (1)
The two solutions of a cube puzzle (cube (1)) with the plates [1234], [1243], [1324], [1342], [1423] and [1432].

Octahedron (1)
A solution of the octahedron puzzle (octahedron (1)) with the plates [123], [124], [134], [234], [132], [142], [143] and [243].

Icosahedron (1)
A solution of an icosahedron puzzle (icosahedron (1)) with the plates [123], [124], [134], [234], [125], [135], [145], [235], [245], [345], [132], [142], [143], [243], [152], [153], [154], [253], [254] and [354].

Icosahedron (3)
A solution of an icosahedron puzzle (icosahedron (3)) with the plates [123], [124], [134], [234], [125], [135], [145], [235], [245], [345], [126], [136], [146], [156], [236], [246], [256], [346], [356] and [456].

Icosahedron (4)
A solution of an icosahedron puzzle (icosahedron (4)) with the plates [112], [113], [114], [115], [221], [223], [224], [225], [331], [332], [334], [335], [441], [442], [443], [445], [551], [552], [553] and [554].

Dodecahedron (2)
Solution of a dodecahedron puzzle (dodecahedron (2)) with the plates [12345], [12453], [12534], [13254], [13425], [13542], [14235], [14352], [14523], [15243], [15324] and [15432].

Dodecahedron (2)
Solutions of a dodecahedron puzzle (dodecahedron (2)) with the plates [12345], [12453], [12534], [13254], [13425], [13542], [14235], [14352], [14523], [15243], [15324] and [15432].

Solution of an icosidodecahedron puzzle where the plates are those of the icosahedron (1) plus those of the dodecahedron (2).

Cuboctahedron (1)
A solution of a cuboctahedron puzzle (cuboctahedron (1)) where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1).

A solution of a rhombicuboctahedron puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1), plust those of the cube (2) in duplicate --- [1122], [1133], [1144], [2233], [2244] and [3344].

Solution of a icosidodecahedron puzzle where the plates are those of the icosahedron (1) plus those of the dodecahedron (2).

Rhombicuboctahedron and snub cube
A solution of a rhombicuboctahedron puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1), plus [1213], [1214], [1314], [2123], [2124], [2324], [3132], [3134], [3234], [4142], [4143], [4243]; and a solution of a snub cube puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1) qadruplicated.

Snub cube
A solution of a snub cube puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1) quadruplicated.

A solution of a rhombicuboctahedron puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1), plus [1213], [1214], [1314], [2123], [2124], [2324], [3132], [3134], [3234], [4142], [4143], [4243].

Snub cube
A solution of a snub cube puzzle where the plates are those of the cube (1) plus those of the octahedron (1) quadruplicated.

A solution of a rhombicuboctahedron where the plates are those of the cube (1) plust those of the octahedron (1), plus [1213], [1214], [1314], [2123], [2124], [2324], [3132], [3134], [3234], [4142], [4143], [4243].
Photos of polyhedron puzzles - .zip archive
All the polyhedron puzzle photos, in a single .zip file.
Photos of polyhedron puzzles - .tar.gz archive
All the polyhedron puzzle photos, in a single .tar.gz file.