Pedro Castelo Ferreira
Interesses Científicos
- Teoria Quântica de Campos Topológicos
- Maxwell Chern-Simons Abeliano
- Gravitação
- Rotating Magnetic Solutions for 2+1D Einstein Maxwell Chern-Simons from Space-Time Duality, arXiv:1107.0422
- Parameterizing the flattening of galaxies rotation curves on
expanding locally anisotropic backgrounds, arXiv:1006.1619
- Planetary Motion on an Expanding Locally Anisotropic Background, Acta
Appl. Math
- Constraining an Expanding Locally Anisotropic metric from the Pioneer anomaly, J. Adv. Space Res. 51 (2013) 1266-1277
- Landau-Ginzburg Chern-Simons model with
Gauge Symmetry and Internal Pseudo-Photons, EJTP 9, No 26
(2012) 35-86, arXiv:1006.1631
- An expanding locally anisotropic (ELA) metric describing matter
in an expanding universe,
Phys. Lett. B684 (2010) 73-76, arXiv:1006.1617
- QCD corrections to QED Vacuum Polarization, Eur. Phys. J. C54 (2008) 539, arXiv:0707.4200 (J . Dias de Deus)
- Ue(1)xUg(1) Actions in 2+1-Dimensions: Full Vectorial Electric
and Magnetic Fields, Europhys. Lett.
79 (2007) 20004, hep-th/0703193
- A Pseudo-Photon in Non-Trivial Background Fields,
Phys. Lett. B651 (2007) 74-78, hep-ph/0609239
- Higher Harmonics in Non-Linear vacuum from QED Effects without low mass intermediate particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 100403, hep-ph/0606099 (J. T. Mendonça, J. Dias de Deus)
- Mass for Plasma Photons from Gauge Symmetry Breaking, Europhys. Lett. 75 (2006) 189, hep-th/0601166 (J. T. Mendonça)
- Explicit Actions for Electromagnetism with Two Gauge Fields
with only one Electric and one Magnetic Physical Fields,
J. Math. Phys. 47 (2006) 072902, hep-th/05010036
- Rotating Electrical Classical Solutions of 2+1 D U(1) Einstein
Maxwel Chern-Simons, Class. Quant.
Grav. 23 (2006) 3679, hep-th/0506244
- D-Brahes in Topological Membranes, Nucl. Phys. B676 (2004) 243-310, hep-th/0308101 (I. I. Kogan, R. J. Szabo)
- Conformal Orbifold Partition Functions from Topologically Massive Gauge Theory, JHEP 0204 (2002) 035, hep-th/0112104 (I. I. Kogan, R. J. Szabo)
- Phase Diagrams of the Harper Map and the Golden Staircase, Phys. Lett. A296/2-3 (2002) 91-96, cond-mat/0011239 (F. P. Mancini, M. H. R. Tragtenberg)
- Open and Unoriented Strings from Topological Membrane – I. Prolegomena, JHEP 0106 (2001) 056, hep-th/0012188 (I. I. Kogan)
- Toroidal Compactification in String Theory from Chern-Simons Theory, Nucl. Phys. B589 (2000) 167-195, hep-th/0004078 (I. I. Kogan, B. Tekin)
Publicações Nacionais
- Alternativas automóveis e Energias Renováveis, Revista ANECRA Nov/Dez (2008) 16-20
- Automóveis a ar comprimido: um compromisso entre custo e eficiência, Revista Auto Profissional, artigo de opinião, Ed. Julho 2009
Participação em Encontros Científicos
- String Dbranes decription from 2+1D Topological Field Theory, Recent Advances in Topological Field Theory - 2012, Sept 2012; XXth Oporto Meeting on Geometry, Topology and Physics, July 2012
- Describing Local Matter in an Expanding
Background, PASC Winter School, Dec. 2009
Effects of Pions in Cosmic Rays, SCADRON 70, AIP Conf. Proc. 1030 (2008) 280-285, arXiv:0804.4783 (J. Dias de Deus)
Pseudo-photon radiative corrections in non-regular backgrounds, 6th int. workshop on new worlds in astroparticle physics, arXiv:0712.0711
Canonical functional quantization of pseudo-photons in planar systems, 16th IFWGP 07, AIP conf. Proc. 1023 (2008) 143-147, arXiv:0712.0710
Outros Trabalhos
- Heterotic, Open and Unoriented String Theories from Topological Membrane, Tese de Doutoramento (2001) D.Phil. - University of Oxford, Orientador: Ian Kogan, hep-th/0110067
Fractal Structure of the Harper Map Diagram from topological hierarchical classification, cond-mat/0011396 (see also arXiv:1204.0385)
A Locally Anisotropic Metric for Matter in an Expanding Universe: I. The Ansatz and the Modified Newton Law, arXiv:0907.0847
- On the variation of the Astronomical Unit and the corrections
to planetary motion on an expanding locally anisotropic
background, arXiv:1203.1844
- Célula de Pockels como étalon de Fabry-Perot regulável, um
filtro óptico regulável ou um espelho de reflectividade variável
regulável, Patent 103643
- Mecanismo para modulação e geração de impulsos laser de amplo espectro de potências usando uma cavidade de ressonância externa, Patent 103617