Previous conferences
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Imperial College - ULisboa PhD Meeting
Lisbon University, Department of Mathematics, C6 Building,
2021-11-04 ..
The meeting gathers PhD students in Mathematics and related area from Imperial College and University of Lisbon.
Schrödinger's problem and Optimal Transport - Lisbon, 14-17 September 2021
2021-09-14 ..
The goal of this conference is to explore parallel connections between the Schrödinger's problem and Monge-Kantorovich Optimal Transport.
(Ir)regular Singularities and Quantum Field Theory
Department of Mathematics, University of Lisbon,
2019-07-08 ..
The main theme of the conference is the (generalised) monodromy of meromorphic connections, and its links to quantum field theory.
Symmetries in Quantum Physics 2017
University of the Algarve,
2017-12-22 00:00
2017-12-22 00:00
Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, Stochastic & Deterministic Methods
Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa [Lisbon, Portugal],
2014-06-30 ..
The aim of this scientific meeting is to present and discuss recent progresses in the Stochastic & Deterministic theory of Navier-Stokes equations, Euler equations and related problems.
Recent Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory
Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa,
2012-09-10 ..
A one-week workshop on Topological Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity, to be held at the University of Lisbon on September 10–14, 2012.
Quantum Integrable Systems and Geometry
Olhão, Portugal,
2012-09-03 ..
This is the final workshop of the FCT project "Algebroids, Geometry, Quantum Groups and Applications", PTDC/MAT/099880/2008. It is intended to focus on recent developments in quantum integrable systems and quantum geometry.
Contemporary Ways Of Integrability
Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa ,
2012-05-16 ..
A workshop for young researchers in integrable systems and their ramifications
Geometry, Dynamics, Integrable Systems – GDIS 2011
Sintra, Portugal,
2011-09-10 ..
74th European Study Group with Industry
University of Aveiro,
2010-04-26 ..
The purpose of these meetings is to strengthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners.
2nd Porto Meeting on Mathematics for Industry
Edifício das Matematicas da FCUP,
2010-04-16 ..
The purpose of this meeting is to focus the attention on the many and varied opportunities to promote applications of mathematics to industrial problems.
Chern-Simons Gauge Theory: 20 years after
Lecture Hall, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics,
2009-08-03 ..
The 69th European Study Group with Industry 2009
Center for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra,
2009-04-20 ..
The purpose of these meetings is to streghthen the links between Mathematics and Industry by using Mathematics to tackle industrial problems which are proposed by industrial partners.
1st Porto Meeting on Mathematics for Industry
Edifício dos Departamentos de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto,
2009-04-17 ..
The purpose of this meeting is to focus the attention on the many and varied opportunities to promote applications of mathematics to industrial problems.
Second Workshop on Quantum Gravity and Noncommutative Geometry
Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon,
2008-09-22 ..
To bring together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working on the problems related with quantum gravity and quantum geometry and to provide a forum for exchange of ideas.
XVI International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, Portugal,
2007-09-05 ..
The aim of these meetings is to provide a context for exchanging ideas amongst researchers of different fields in Differential Geometry, Applied Mathematics and Physics; in general, amongst all people interested in the application of geometric methods and techniques to the study of physical problems.
Infinite Dimensional Algebras and Quantum Integrable Systems II
University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal,
2007-07-23 ..
This workshop is intended to focus on recent developments in infinite dimensional algebras and their applications to quantum integrable systems.
Colloquium António Aniceto Monteiro
Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa,
2007-06-04 ..
In honour of António Aniceto Monteiro, on the centenary of his birth
Stochastic Analysis in Mathematical Physics
Interdisciplinary Complex of the University of Lisbon,
2006-09-04 ..
A satellite workshop of the International Congress of Mathematicians (Madrid, 2006)
Mathematics in Chemistry
Complexo Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Lisboa,
2006-07-19 ..
A CIM (International Center for Mathematics) workshop
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