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297 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
FCT-2022.png [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-12-15 07:00
FCT-2022.jpg [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-12-15 06:45
The Keller Segel model and its application to the stochastic analysis [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-09-08 13:06
by Yumi Yahagi, Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Gakugei Univ., Japan
A general formulation of Non-Local Dirichlet forms on infinite dimensional topological vector spaces and its applications, and corresponding subjects. [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-09-08 13:02
by Yoshida Minoru, Kanagawa Univ., Yokohama, Japan
Open Call for two Post Doctoral Research Fellowships (BIPD) - DEADLINE 2023-07-28 [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-07-21 20:37
Open Call for two PhD Research Fellowships - DEADLINE 2023-07-18 [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-06-23 09:38
Computing eigenvalues of the discrete p-Laplacian via graph surgery [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-05-19 23:22
by Matthias Hofmann (Texas A&M University)
Critical points of Laplacian eigenfunctions and the hot spots conjecture [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-05-19 23:19
by Jonathan Rohleder (Stokholm University)
On the structure of optimal plans not concentrating on a single map, and the uniqueness of optimal transport plans. [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-04-27 19:28
by Abbas Momeni (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton Univ.)
Recent trends in coercive inequalities [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-12-15 07:02
by Boguslaw Zegarlinski (CNRS, Toulouse)
Moment-Constrained Approximation of the Lieb functional [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-04-12 12:38
by Luca Nenna (Univ. Paris-Saclay)
43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-03-01 20:28
43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Exponentials rarely maximize Fourier extension inequalities for cones [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-02-23 11:46
by Diogo Oliveira e Silva (Dep. Matemática Instituto Superior Técnico)
On the deterministic and stochastic optimal distributed control of 3rd grade fluids [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-12-05 11:59
by Yassine Tahraoui (CMA-FCT, Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
Left-invariant geodesic flows over semi-simple Lie groups [1%] by sebrosa, 2023-11-29 11:42
by Daisuke Tarama (Ritsumeikan University)
Operational verification of the existence of time and space [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-10-21 16:24
by Marko Vojinovic (Institute of Physics, Univ. of Belgrade)
Announcement: Scientific Researcher Recruitment [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-07-05 12:23
International call for the recruitment of a scientific researcher with a PhD degree, in the category of Initial Stage Researcher of the FCiências.ID ...
Announcement: One Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-06-15 07:30
Call for the awarding of one Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Mathematical Physics, open at the FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e ...
Announcement: One PhD Research Fellowship [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-05-31 14:11
Call for the awarding of one PhD Research Fellowship in Mathematics. The fellowship will be financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under ...
otgsh2022.png [1%] by sebrosa, 2022-04-08 05:24
Call for the awarding of three research fellowships [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-11-09 04:09
The Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (FCiências.ID), main Management Institution of the Grupo de Física - Matemática da ...
Imperial College - ULisboa PhD Meeting [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-10-13 15:39
The meeting gathers PhD students in Mathematics and related area from Imperial College and University of Lisbon.
Prémios Científicos ULisboa/CGD [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-08-30 14:27
Foram atribuídas Menções Honrosas a Rui Ferreira, investigador principal FCT (2021) e a Miguel Tierz, igualmente investigador no GFM (2019).
spot banner [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-08-08 12:45
Schrödinger's problem and Optimal Transport - Lisbon, 14-17 September 2021
Schrödinger's problem and Optimal Transport - Lisbon, 14-17 September 2021 [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-08-08 11:30
The goal of this conference is to explore parallel connections between the Schrödinger's problem and Monge-Kantorovich Optimal Transport.
bipd-uidb-00208-2020-2-GFM.pdf [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-06-06 07:12
bid-uidb-00208-2020-GFM.pdf [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-06-06 07:11
Anúncio de duas Bolsas de Investigação pós-doutoral - DEADLINE 2021-07-19 [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-06-06 07:13
Concurso para a atribuição de duas Bolsas de Investigação pós-doutoral (BIPD) no âmbito do projeto/instituição de I&D “Grupo de Física-Matemática ...
Concurso para Atribuição de Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento - DEADLINE 2021-07-09, 23:00 [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-06-06 07:13
Concurso para atribuição de duas Bolsas de Investigação para Doutoramento, na área de Matemática, ao abrigo do Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação da ...
PhD Scientific Researcher Recruitment (Initial Stage Researcher) - DEADLINE 2021-03-09 [1%] by sebrosa, 2021-02-24 03:03
FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências, through its Chairman of the Board of Directors, hereby announces the opening ...
« July 2024 »
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Group of Mathematical Physics — University of Lisbon
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Campo Grande, Edifício C6
PT-1749-016 Lisboa
tel +351 217500266
[Universidade de Lisboa]