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228 items matching your criteria. RSS Feed
Deviation inequalities and law of iterated logarithm on the path space over loop groups [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-13 14:53
by Nicolas Privault
Some trace inequalities [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-13 14:53
by Eric Carlen (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Geometry and quantization of the space of flat connections on a Riemann surface [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-13 14:53
by Carlos Florentino (Departamento de Matematica e CAM, IST)
GFM seminars [1%] by jmce, 2014-07-04 15:15
Conferences [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-12 22:26
Events [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-12 19:49
Pedro Freitas [1%] by jmce, 2019-05-12 19:16
Paulo Cabral do Couto [1%] by jmce, 2007-01-12 00:48
Jean-Claude Zambrini [1%] by jmce, 2020-07-07 00:13
Fernanda Cipriano [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-09 15:47
Benedito José Costa Cabral [1%] by jmce, 2016-11-29 23:07
Ana Bela Cruzeiro [1%] by jmce, 2023-02-10 11:59
Reaching [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-08 15:49
Comments and recommendations regarding GFM scientific activities [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-08 14:46
Research [1%] by jmce, 2012-02-02 10:37
Research [1%] by jmce, 2010-06-26 08:34
Group of Mathematical Physics [1%] by jmce, 2023-12-15 07:12
J M Cerqueira Esteves [1%] by jmce, 2006-11-03 10:17
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Group of Mathematical Physics — University of Lisbon
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Campo Grande, Edifício C6
PT-1749-016 Lisboa
tel +351 217500266
[Universidade de Lisboa]