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José Sebrosa

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Latest content created by this user

Random matrix theory and physical applications 2018-09-30
Publications 2018-10-03
Schroedinger's problem and Optimal Transport :a multidisciplinary perspective. 2018-10-01
Irregular connections on algebraic curves and quantum field theory (QuantumG) 2018-09-30
Analysis of fractional differential equations 2018-09-30
A general formulation of Non-Local Dirichlet forms on infinite dimensional topological vector spaces and its applications, and corresponding subjects. 2023-09-08
Recent trends in coercive inequalities 2023-04-12
Left-invariant geodesic flows over semi-simple Lie groups 2022-11-09
The Keller Segel model and its application to the stochastic analysis 2023-09-08
Computing eigenvalues of the discrete p-Laplacian via graph surgery 2023-05-19
FCT-2022.png 2023-12-15
FCT-2022.jpg 2023-12-15
bipd-uidb-00208-2020-2-GFM.pdf 2021-06-06
bid-uidb-00208-2020-GFM.pdf 2021-06-06
bipd-uidb-00208-2020-GFM.pdf 2020-12-14
Schroedinger's problem and Optimal Transport :a multidisciplinary perspective. 2018-10-01
Irregular connections on algebraic curves and quantum field theory (QuantumG) 2018-09-30
From stochastic geometric mechanics to mass transportation problems 2017-02-07
PDE and probability in mathematical physics 2011-11-16
Lecture series in mathematical physics / 2011 2011-02-14
43rd Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2023-03-01
otgsh2022.png 2022-04-08
spot banner 2021-08-08
Quantum Integrable Systems and Geometry 2012-08-02
20110131-balch-photo.jpg 2011-01-23
News Item
Open Call for two Post Doctoral Research Fellowships (BIPD) - DEADLINE 2023-07-28 2023-07-21
Open Call for two PhD Research Fellowships - DEADLINE 2023-07-18 2023-06-23
Announcement: Scientific Researcher Recruitment 2022-07-05
Announcement: One Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 2022-06-15
Announcement: One PhD Research Fellowship 2022-05-31
All content created by José Sebrosa…
« February 2025 »
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Group of Mathematical Physics — University of Lisbon
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Campo Grande, Edifício C6
PT-1749-016 Lisboa
tel +351 217500266
[Universidade de Lisboa]