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J M Cerqueira Esteves

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Latest content created by this user

Group of Mathematical Physics 2006-11-08
Ana Bela Cruzeiro 2006-11-09
Jean-Claude Zambrini 2006-11-09
Pedro Freitas 2006-11-09
Stochastic analysis 2007-12-29
(Ir)regular Singularities and Quantum Field Theory 2019-01-18
Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization conditions for non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint operators in dimension one 2017-04-28
Global solutions to random 3D vorticity equations for small initial data 2017-03-27
Recent advances in positivity questions for trace class operators 2017-03-27
Asymptotic behaviour of minimising Dirichlet cuboids 2017-03-12
googlea4e4ee18aafeb0ed.html 2014-08-12
Contemporary Ways Of Integrability [poster] 2012-04-20
Lecture 6: Tensor calculus, part 1: tensor algebra 2010-03-27
Lecture 5: (Non-)Causality in general relativity: the Gödel universe 2010-03-27
Lecture 4: Schwarzschild solution in general relativity 2010-03-27
Areas 2010-05-06
GFM seminars 2006-11-12
Publications 2011-11-18
Probabilistic approach to finite and infinite dimensional dynamical systems 2010-06-25
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian: analytic, geometric and computational aspects 2010-06-26
Google Map
Where we are 2006-11-18
Google Marker
FCUL building C6 2006-11-18
ISQFT banner 2019-01-19
From Stochastic Geometric Mechanics to Mass Transportation Problems [banner] 2018-05-09
HSL2017 banner 2018-01-05
SPQ2017 banner 2018-01-04
AMFM 2014 [banner] 2013-10-01
News Item
4-months Post-doctoral position 2015 (start 2015-09-01) 2015-07-23
Post-doctoral positions 2009/2010 2008-12-02
Five-year research position [C2007-UL-339-GFM] 2007-06-26
Five-year research position [C2008-UL-GFM] 2008-07-29
Post-doctoral positions 2008/2009 2007-12-13
Smart Folder
GFM seminars 2006-11-14
Colloquia 2007-07-17
News 2006-11-22
Mathematics Colloquia (1997) 2006-11-14
Previous conferences 2006-11-14
All content created by J M Cerqueira Esteves…
« March 2025 »
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Group of Mathematical Physics — University of Lisbon
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Sciences
Campo Grande, Edifício C6
PT-1749-016 Lisboa
tel +351 217500266
[Universidade de Lisboa]